Modern Rehabilitation Therapies
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy.
The painless non-surgical solution to the pain of the musculoskeletal system with scientifically proven results in chronic diseases of the muscles and tendons. In just a few treatments it is achieved:
– Permanent pain relief
– Restoration of mobility in the joint
– Acceleration of muscle and connective tissue healing
Shock Wave technology works through the application of high intensity sound waves. The acoustic wave transmits energy to pain points and deep tissues, stimulating a set of biological mechanisms.
Specifically, it stimulates the increase of blood microcirculation, the breakdown of substance P (pain substance), the reversal of chronic inflammation, the stimulation of collagen production, the reduction of muscle tension (muscle spasm), the dissolution of calcified fibroblasts and regeneration – tissue reconstruction.
- Calcific tendonitis
- Impact syndrome
- Elbow epicondylitis (tennis elbow – golfer elbow)
- Trochanteric bursitis
- Achilles tendinopathy Chronic enthesopathies
- Plantar fasciitis – Heel spur
- Iliotibial band syndrome
- Patellar tendinopathyTibialis anterior-posterior syndrome
- Chronic contusions
- Pain trigger points (trigger points) – Muscle spasms