Modern Rehabilitation Therapies
The plantogram is the examination that analyzes the distribution of pressures on the sole during standing and walking, digitally capturing the mechanical function of the lower extremities. It gives valuable information about the anatomical peculiarities of the feet and the way we walk or stand. It is an easy and painless procedure, without radiation, which contributes decisively to both the prevention and treatment of chronic problems related to the lower extremities.
The plantogram is carried out both preventively, mainly in children, athletes, patients with diabetes, in people with daily standing, and diagnostically, when there is a problem of anatomical specificity or mechanical dysfunction in the lower limbs, in which case the examination is deemed necessary for better investigation of the problem.
The plantogram is performed for the most common problems and conditions, such as:
- Flatfoot, clubfoot, blaisopodia, raibopodia
- Metatarsalgia, Morton’s neuroma, bunion
- Heel spur, plantar fasciitis
- Knee chondropathy
- Osteoarthritis of knees, hips
- Lower back pain during pregnancy or after childbirth
- Scoliosis, kyphosis
- Back pain, lumbar sciatica
- Foot problems due to diabetes
- Sports injuries to the lower extremities, such as sprains
- Imbalance from various causes
The results of the plantogram are evaluated by the specialist, who will recommend the appropriate treatment such as targeted physical therapy, a special exercise program, or if deemed necessary, the use of special orthopedic insoles, which are designed and manufactured exclusively based on the patient’s plantogram and applied internally in all shoes.
In more detail, orthopedic insoles:
- They correct the mechanical function of the lower limbs in the developing skeleton
- They support bony structures of the foot and ankle joint
- They relieve the strained joints of the foot
- They distribute the pressure evenly over the entire surface of the sole
- They balance the forces exerted on the body during standing and walking
- They absorb shocks in the joints
- They reduce the mechanical load on the lower limbs and the waist
- They reduce muscle fatigue
- They facilitate daily activities
- They improve athletic performance
- They prevent sports injuries