Modern Rehabilitation Therapies


The Physiotherapy Center has a specialized body posture assessment department, providing comprehensive solutions to adults and children, to athletes and sportsmen, as well as to patients with diseases of the spine and limbs.

The modern way most people work, the daily use of computers and mobile phones, combined with poor physical condition and lifestyle, cause asymmetric forces on the body and joints, resulting in uneven alignment of the spine and limbs.

In this way, problems are caused in the muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons and articular cartilages of the body either due to overstrain or due to the increased load exerted on specific joints.

Αυτό συνεπάγεται πόνους στον αυχένα και στους ώµους, µυϊκά άλγη στον κορµό αλλά και στα άκρα, αιµωδίες (µουδιάσµατα), τενοντίτιδες και τενοντοπάθειες, σύνδροµα πίεσης νεύρων, χονδροπάθειες, κράµπες, µυϊκούς σπασµούς και θλάσεις, κυρίως σε αθλητές.

This entails pains in the neck and shoulders, muscle aches in the trunk but also in the limbs, hemodia (numbness), tendinitis and tendinopathy, nerve pressure syndromes, chondropathies, cramps, muscle spasms and contusions, especially in athletes.

The preventive control of the posture, especially in children, helps to identify any deviation from the normal, from the early stages of the appearance of the problem, thus making its treatment more effective.

In athletes, the posture of the body betrays muscle imbalances or weaknesses, which are actually the main causes of their injury or recurrence of an injury. The solution to the problem is to identify the muscle imbalance and design an appropriate rehabilitation program that will include spinal mobility exercises, muscle activation and strengthening, flexibility and specific corrective posture retraining exercises.

Incorrect body posture can lead to a permanent deviation of the spine from its anatomical alignment. Scoliosis and kyphosis are the most common spine conditions encountered in the general population.
Both scoliosis and kyphosis are progressive conditions, which is why it is important to begin testing in childhood and continue until the child is fully developed or reaches adulthood.

The early detection of these conditions is now an easy task, as modern developments in the control of the lower limbs and the spine include digital technologies that measure within a few seconds a set of parameters without the emission of radiation.

The resulting data are processed and analyzed by the experts allowing the design of an integrated rehabilitation plan that includes ergonomic advice, therapeutic interventions or manipulations, targeted exercises or the appropriate use of orthotics.